Fortunately, Bielan, Miklos & Makrogiannis has a plan in place to ensure business continuity so that we are Operational and Fully Available to handle client matters as seamlessly as possible. Our plan will enable our attorneys and staff to continue to be responsive to your needs throughout any closures that may take place. We remain reachable by phone, Video, and email as normal, and we will continue to have full access to our systems.   Face-to-face meetings will be limited to emergency matters only, and we can perform most of our work remotely.  For example, during these extraordinary times, we believe you can prepare a Will, or start or continue a legal process that we can file and appear on your behalf, albeit mostly remotely.   Please know that with our systems in place we stand ready to assist you with any challenges you are facing or questions you have.

We realize each of us will feel the effects in different ways, and our attorneys and remarkable staff are prepared to help you navigate through this extraordinary time. Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by this pandemic, and we wish for everyone to remain healthy and safe as we work through these challenging times.

For those of You who have been long standing clients and friends, we would like to believe that you know and trust us to always stand by our word, stand by our clients, stand by our dedicated employees, and stand by you.  We are all in this together.